How to drive web traffic using video?

If you are interested in using video to drive traffic to your website, you need to read this article.  In this article, you will find out what are needed in order to start creating video, why and how to use YouTube to drive traffic and how to increase your traffic to your website using video.  After reading this article, you will be able to create and upload your first video, and finally get visitors to your website quickly.

Invest in a video camera and start taping video

To create a video, you need to invest in a video camera and start taping video.  You don’t need to be a Hollywood cameraman in order to shoot video.  Just trying to tape short films about yourself, your family, your home or even your kids!  Moreover, you don’t need expensive video camera to shoot video.  An inexpensive flip camera will help you to do the job.  Once you tape a video, it is time to upload it.

Using YouTube to drive traffic

The reason to choose YouTube is that it is basically a free advertising media that everybody can use.  Because it is free, you can upload as many videos as you want.  Remember, after uploading a video, you should give a descriptive title that has your keyword in there.  Don’t forget to put some related tags to further describe your video.

How to increase traffic to your website using video?

When you are familiar with the process of creating and uploading video, you may try to go deeper and find out ways to drive traffic to your website.  First of all, you need to find out who are going to see your video.  It is achieved by understanding your audience.  After finding out your prospects and know what they need, you then need to create some useful information in the form of video.  Finally, optimize your video using the technique above, including keyword stuffed title, 2 – 3 lines description and putting in related tags.  To further expand the spread of your video, you can even bookmark your video in social bookmarking websites like digg and delicious.

Now that you understand how to drive web traffic using video.  Remember you do not need to invest a lot of money buying expensive camera, and shoot anything you find interest.  Then you can upload your video to YouTube and describe your video properly.  Finally, to further unleash the power of video, understand what your prospects need and shoot a video which content information that your prospects are interested in.   Next time if you need traffic, follow the steps above and it will help.

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